Nobody scores from the sidelines.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Man up Men

Acting tough comes off as pointless to me.   I believe acting “tough” is just an attempt to mask over a lack of self esteem and insecurities with a tough mojo.  Understand using a vast array of obscenities does not make you more “tough” than another person.  Trying to pull others down does not pull you up.  I believe it is weak people that try to bring others down in attempt to build themselves up.  Acting tough is different than being tough.  Trying in school, or being a genuinely nice guy does not make you less ”tough”.  Real toughness is not about bigger, buffer, and meaner than another dude.  It’s not one upping another guy.  Toughness is the ability to be yourself, respect yourself, and stand up for yourself in what you believe and care for.  It is not something that warrants bragging rights.  True toughness is the ability to be more mature than those so-called “tough” people and to not snoop down to their hate.  Being tough is being calm, cool, and collected.  Fighting does not make you tough.  Real toughness is the ability to keep composure and not snap when faced with opposition, hate, or adversity.  “Man up” men.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Stop Complaining, Start Doing

I got something to talk about.  People go around expressing their dissatisfaction with a lot of things.  There’s a lot of stuff to hate on.  “I hate this, I don’t like that, change!”  People bite at the bit to find a reason to hate on something.  It’s basic American culture.  Many people can identify what they hate or dislike, but the issue is few can actually formulate what they would like to see.  So people run around like chickens with their heads cut off yelling for change when they don’t even know what they want.  Sure you can get people to come join your quest to complain but it doesn't solve this issue.  But as Brick Timland (Steve Carell) in Anchorman put it, it’s just “LOUD NOISES”.  It’s a stupid mob mentality to creating change.  Identify a problem and then complain.  That’s garbage.  The solution to a math problem is never gonna be “I hate math”.  It’s real easy to complain, it’s a lot harder to promote a solution.  Problem, reaction, solution.  And frankly, it seems like most people forgot about the last piece of the puzzle.  Solution means you actually have to shift your efforts to achieve good change.  Realize the problems you face, but stop wasting your efforts demonizing current issues and put that effort towards promoting solutions to the problems you face.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

“Political Correctness”

Political Correctness:

  1. "the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against."

I get peeved over how "politically correct" our generation has become.  "Correct" doesn't mean good.  It has expanded into the idea that we can't do or say anything because there will be someone out there that will have their feelings hurt by it.  That same thought process nullifies culture and individuality.  It is the thought process that turns us all against each other.  It fuels argument and causes us to judge the implications of what other people or things stand by or mean.  It is this culture that pulls the community of humanity apart.  Let’s be cognizant of the fact that we have a freedom of expression.

To clarify, just because I condemn the restrictions of political correctness does not mean I support racism, discrimination, or other forms of violent, hateful or oppressive action.  Political correctness actually fuels prejudice because it causes us profile people based on gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, etc. and treat people differently as result.  It frustrates me.  This is the 21st century, we shouldn't have to behave differently around people because they look or think differently than us.  To treat person differently based on the basket they fit into is disrespectful to the unique nature of individuals.  

I don’t want to converse with people talking through filters, afraid the words they say have implications beyond what they intend.   I want to interact in a world of honest, respectable, and free speaking individuals.  We all have one thing in common, that we are all people.  Let’s just focus on that and look past our personal differences.  Don't hate, appreciate.  Learn to like people for what they are, or at a minimum learn to tolerate them.  It’s often not the person you don't like, but the opinion or belief you contradict with.  I quash the expectations of political correctness.  Sure, there are people out there that will misinterpret this, blow it out of proportion, or simply disagree and shun me with all their might.   But you know what, we will never all be in agreement.  We just have to be cognizant of our differences.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Taking Initiative

Ideas are awesome.  Thoughts have potential.  But this potential is never tapped until action is taken.  It is not until you set foot can you accomplish a goal.  You can't climb a mountain if you never take that first step of the trek.  Likewise, you can't eat a banana without peeling it.  It is that first step, that vital step, that puts dreams into motion.  Stop thinking start doing. 

This question arises to me recently with our fellow classmates becoming unappreciative about our Associated Student Body on campus.  What frustrates me about it is the spread of hate with a lack of meaningful reason.  Remember ASB stands for Associated Student Body which represents the students of Westview.  If you are frustrated with the actions ASB is taking or your voice doesnt seem to be heard, maybe you should consider joining.

My question for you is not why do you choose to hate but rather what do you desire to change.  It is the simple line between immaturity and initiative.
So the question arises; how do we take initiative? 

According to Google, initiative is defined as "the ability to assess and initiate things independently." It is synonymous to motivation.  In order to have initiative we must have a drive, a spark, a passion that pushes us to go further.  We have to have a purpose.  You have to find this purpose; without a drive, there is no need to achieve.  Where is this drive?  You have to look at yourself.  Understand who you are before you  decide how you want to impact others.  Identify what is used to describe who you are.  Find your identity.  Build your identity by learning what you are passionate for.  See what makes you happy.  See what you do that makes others happy.  What do you do that carries a positive impact?  Identify your strengths and weaknesses.   Only once you have a clear understanding of who you you can identify your passions.  Often your passions are what you spend the most of your time doing.  Once you have clear passions you can develop initiative. 

Don't hate, appreciate.  Idea.  Action.  Change. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Don’t Be Afraid to Be Yourself

"Be yourself, everyone else is taken" -Oscar Wilde

You are you.  Don't be afraid put yourself out there.  You are happiest when act yourself.  Take pride in yourself and understand that you are the coolest person out there.  We all have an inner awesomeness, being true to yourself lets it shine.  Life is not about fitting in, it’s quite the opposite.  Life is about standing out, being yourself and leaving your own special impact on the world.  It’s about being happy.  Never let yourself conform to the wants of society.  Your personality should reflect yourself, not perpetuate a fake image. When people “hate” on who you are, appreciate their acknowledgement of you, but don’t let the crap they say change who you are.  Haters focus on the flaws of those they envy, winners focus on the good in people.  In life we all desire to be happy.  Your self esteem shouldn't be based on the shallow opinions of of others, but rather the respect and love you carry for yourself.  Learning to love yourself is the first step to living a happy life.  People will learn to love you for who you are. You have to put yourself out there.  I cannot help but think of YOLO.  You only live once, so why not put who you are out there, not what society wants you to be.  Only God can judge us.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission" -Eleanor Roosevelt 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Friendship is Worth Fighting For

People come and go in our lives, things come and go, times come and go.  Finding the few people who to stay no matter what is what matters.  Those are your best friends. Be the one to stay and be there for your best friends no matter what.  That's what being true friend is: being there at their brightest moments and darkest times.  Always being there for them, not only at your convenience.  Always being there supporting them, loyalty speaks volumes.
We all make mistakes and go through difficult times, but it's the support of our friends that keep us from breaking.  There is an impact the moment someone watches their friends vanish and turn a blind eye; their confidence, happiness, self-importance, and self-esteem--- All for the worse.  Don't ever let that happen.  Be the one always there.  Yes matter if people judge you, or if they say —by supporting that person you are supporting a bad cause— YES, you are supporting a best friend, and you are supporting him or her because they have been there for you your whole life.  People learn by example, set the precident.  Be the one person there for somebody no matter what for.  Support them and let them know you care. 

Forgive people please, there's things worth fighting for in life, and friendship is one of them. 
Don't just be another llama, thinking and acting like the masses; stand out.  Think about the Holocaust.  It took someone to stand out from a mob and say what was happening was wrong.  We don't do things in fear of reprocussions or because it is the "norm", we do things because they are right and it is our duty to activity stand for what we believe.  An inch can go a mile.  It is about taking that first step, a first step many dread to take, a first step many pray for.

About a year ago today I was in a predicament: to either stand by my best friend since I was litte, or do the easier option; turn my back and abandon my friend.  Picked the first option.  I am proud.

Monday, March 17, 2014

What's a True Friend?

“A friend is supposed to be somebody you can trust without a doubt, not a person that gives your secrets to the world.  A friend is supposed be someone who is happy for you, not someone who is jealous of you.”
-Trent Shelton

Life isn't about having millions of friends, its about having a few true ones.  Acting like you got 50 friends is pointless if you don't have those few that you can lead on.  Just because you can say what's up to every dude in the "cool" group means nothing if you don't have real friends.  Real friends where you don't need to ask them to have your back, because they always do.  Friends that befriend you because they like you, not for popularity or their own gain.  Just because you have a nice car, doesn't mean now you have 100 more friends.  It is fake friends that like people for material items.  And they don't like you, they like the car and the places they can go in it.  Around real friends you don't try to fit a figure, you just stick out as yourself.  Friends mold us into who we are as adults.  If you spend your whole life trying to fit that "cool" mojo you'll never make a unique identity, in turn making your personality bland as toast.  So focus your energy and time on the people you really care for, the same people that should have the same vested interest in you.  Live a good unique life, yolo.  

"Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour."